Reverend Jim Halstead is ordained with the Christian Reformed Church and has served as pastor of Community CRC in Fort Wayne, Indiana since January 2010. He’s pastored for over 30 years with the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA), Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) and the Christian Reformed Church (CRC). He is also a special education teacher with East Allen County Schools and is a teacher at Southwick Elementary School in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
The Go and Tell Evangelism Seminar was written by Pastor Jim in August, 2013 and he began to present the Seminar in September, 2013. This website has been accessed worldwide and is being used as an evangelism training tool throughout the world. Many different denominations are using the training and it is endorsed by the Christian Reformed Church Synod 2018.
Jim's salvation testimony given at the Fellowship of Christian Athletes "Night of Hope" in Fort Wayne Indiana.